Thursday, July 16, 2015

July 16: Notre Dame, Shakespeare & Company, Pont Marie

I am back on my feet after almost dying of strep throat! Our fieldtrip consisted of Notre Dame, Shakespeare and Company, a cute little breakfast place, Pont Marie, and a gelato shop. 
Thus far, I have seen three gothic style cathedrals, and Notre Dame was the least impressive to be honest. It was awesome to be in such a rich part of history, but Saint Denis Cathedral was by far my favorite. 
Shakespeare and Company was absolutely amazing. No photos were allowed on the inside, which is unfortunate. However, I was blown away by how many books they had crammed into such a small space. They had Harry Potter in English, but with French covers, as well as the French version of Harry Potter. I will definitely be making another trip back to spend some more time in the bookstore. 
Snack time: I had a sugar crepe with a cappuccino. 
Bonus: this pretty much sums up what it's like to go to the bathroom in Paris. 
Lastly, we visited Pont Marie, which is the love lock bridge where couples come to attach a lock to the bridge in hopes that their love will last forever. 


Unknown said...

I thought they were taking down the locks because the bridges are basically falling down?

Books! I would never want to leave that shop.

Is one of the statues holding its own head? I think it wins the coolest statue on a gothic cathedral contest.

Unknown said...

Yes they are taking down the locks; they just haven't gotten to this one yet.
I'm def going back to Shakespeare and Company! It was awesome!
& I know! That's Saint Denis! He's the man.